Genetics Architecture and Underlying Molecular Mechanisms in Host-Pathogen Interactions


Infectious diseases represent a major threat for the sustainable development of fish farming. Efficient vaccines are not available against all diseases, and growing antibiotics resistance limits the use of antimicrobial drugs in aquaculture. It is therefore important to understand the basis of fish natural resistance to infections to help genetic selection and to develop new approaches against infectious diseases. However, the identification of the main mechanisms determining the resistance or susceptibility of a host to a pathogenic microbe is challenging, integrating the complexity of the variation of host genetics, the variability of pathogens, and their capacity of fast evolution and adaptation. Multiple approaches have been used for this purpose: (i) genetic approaches, QTL (quantitative trait loci) mapping or GWAS (genome-wide association study) analysis, to dissect the genetic architecture of disease resistance, and (ii) transcriptomics and functional assays to link the genetic constitution of a fish to the molecular mechanisms involved in its interactions with pathogens. To date, many studies in a wide range of fish species have investigated the genetic determinism of resistance to many diseases using QTL mapping or GWAS analyses. A few of these studies pointed mainly toward adaptive mechanisms of resistance/susceptibility to infections; others pointed toward innate or intrinsic mechanisms. However, in the majority of studies, underlying mechanisms remain unknown. By comparing gene expression profiles between resistant and susceptible genetic backgrounds, transcriptomics studies have contributed to build a framework of gene pathways determining fish responsiveness to a number of pathogens. Adding functional assays to expression and genetic approaches has led to a better understanding of resistance mechanisms in some cases. The development of knock-out approaches will complement these analyses and help to validate putative candidate genes critical for resistance to infections. In this review, we highlight fish isogenic lines as a unique biological material to unravel the complexity of host response to different pathogens. In the future, combining multiple approaches will lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of interaction between the pathogen and the host immune response, and contribute to the identification of potential targets of selection for improved resistance.

53 citations
19 citations
Roles of white blood cells in innate immunity. (A) Phagocytosis is the process by which phagocytic cells recognize and ingest microbes for intracellular killing. Phagocytes include neutrophils, monocytes, dendritic cells, and eosinophils; Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are granulocytes, the granules present in their cytoplasm contain biochemical mediators that serve inflammatory and immune functions; Eosinophils and basophils combat parasites through production of toxic proteins and histamine respectively; Dendritic cells produce cytokines that recruit white blood cells and initiate adaptive immune responses, and also present antigens to the adaptive immune system; Natural killer (NK) cells are a class of lymphocytes that recognize and kill infected cells to stop the spread of an infection; The complement system consists of a set of plasma proteins that act together to defend against extracellular pathogens. Roles of white blood cells in adaptive immunity. (B) B lymphocytes mediate humoral immunity by secreting antibodies into the circulation and mucosal fluid to neutralize and eliminate extracellular infectious agents; T lymphocytes characterize cell-mediated immunity and kill host cells that are harboring infectious agents in the cytoplasm. Derived from Janeway et al. (2001), Abbas et al. (2015), and Elsevier Health Sciences and Khan Academy (2019).
Original Research
13 March 2020

Disease resilience is a valuable trait to help manage infectious diseases in livestock. It is anticipated that improved disease resilience will sustainably increase production efficiency, as resilient animals maintain their performance in the face of infection. The objective of this study was to identify phenotypes related to disease resilience using complete blood count (CBC) data from a wean-to-finish natural disease challenge model, established to mimic the disease pressure caused by many common pathogens at the commercial level of pig production. In total, 2433 F1 crossbred (Landrace × Yorkshire) barrows that went through the natural disease challenge model were classified into four groups (resilient, average, susceptible, and dead) based on their divergent responses in terms of growth and individual treatment. Three sets of blood samples for CBC analysis were drawn at 2-weeks before, and at 2- and 6-weeks after the challenge: Blood 1, Blood 3, and Blood 4 respectively. CBC of Blood 1 taken from healthy pigs before challenge did not show differences between groups. However, resilient animals were found to be primed to initiate a faster adaptive immune response and recover earlier following infection, with greater increases of lymphocyte concentration from Blood 1 to Blood 3 and for hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit from Blood 3 to Blood 4, but a lower neutrophil concentration from Blood 3 to Blood 4 than in susceptible and dead animals (FDR < 0.05). The CBC traits in response to the challenge were found to be heritable and genetically correlated with growth and treatment, which may indicate the potential for developing CBC under disease or commercial conditions as a phenotype in commercial systems as part of developing predictions for disease resilience.

19 citations
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