The USA Neonatal Research Network reports that 82% of extremely preterm infants receive mechanical ventilation during their NICU stay, despite the fact that, their lungs are extremely vulnerable and susceptible to ventilator-induced lung injury. In order to optimize respiratory management of ELBW infants and minimize lung injury, lung protective strategies such as noninvasive respiratory support without intubation, volume targeted ventilation or high frequency ventilation with lung recruitment maneuvers if intubation cannot be avoided, are the most popular research topics of this field.
Building upon existing scientific evidence, well-designed clinical studies on respiratory assistance strategies, which optimize respiratory management in order to minimize lung injury and high-quality evidence derived from these studies are urgently needed for very preterm infants. Initial stabilization of preterm infants with non-invasive respiratory support, open lung strategy with dynamic PEEP titration, volume targeted ventilation and high frequency ventilation seem to be the key strategies, which need more evidence based on clinical research. We aim to reach and invite the authors of sound clinical research on these topics.
We welcome mostly, but not only, randomized controlled clinical studies and systematic reviews on:
· Initial respiratory management and noninvasive ventilatory support strategies for ELBW infants: nCPAP vs NIPPV, Synchronized vs non-synchronized NIPPV, Synchronized NIPPV vs BiPAP, NIV NAVA or nHFOV or nHFJV vs nCPAP or NIPPV
· Lung protective strategies and lung recruitment maneuvers during ventilatory assistance in ELBW infants
· Volume targeted ventilation and high frequency oscillatory ventilation as the primary mode of ventilatory assistance in ELBW infants
The USA Neonatal Research Network reports that 82% of extremely preterm infants receive mechanical ventilation during their NICU stay, despite the fact that, their lungs are extremely vulnerable and susceptible to ventilator-induced lung injury. In order to optimize respiratory management of ELBW infants and minimize lung injury, lung protective strategies such as noninvasive respiratory support without intubation, volume targeted ventilation or high frequency ventilation with lung recruitment maneuvers if intubation cannot be avoided, are the most popular research topics of this field.
Building upon existing scientific evidence, well-designed clinical studies on respiratory assistance strategies, which optimize respiratory management in order to minimize lung injury and high-quality evidence derived from these studies are urgently needed for very preterm infants. Initial stabilization of preterm infants with non-invasive respiratory support, open lung strategy with dynamic PEEP titration, volume targeted ventilation and high frequency ventilation seem to be the key strategies, which need more evidence based on clinical research. We aim to reach and invite the authors of sound clinical research on these topics.
We welcome mostly, but not only, randomized controlled clinical studies and systematic reviews on:
· Initial respiratory management and noninvasive ventilatory support strategies for ELBW infants: nCPAP vs NIPPV, Synchronized vs non-synchronized NIPPV, Synchronized NIPPV vs BiPAP, NIV NAVA or nHFOV or nHFJV vs nCPAP or NIPPV
· Lung protective strategies and lung recruitment maneuvers during ventilatory assistance in ELBW infants
· Volume targeted ventilation and high frequency oscillatory ventilation as the primary mode of ventilatory assistance in ELBW infants