The scientific community has, in recent years, provided many decision tools capable of managing seismic risk in order to protect the population against this natural and uncertain threaten. These tools are not only based on technical aspects, such as structural vulnerability and/or their economic equivalent losses, but also on organizational and socio-economic factors related to community development, its support systems, and its social sustainability. The efficiency of these decision tools depends also on their capability of considering all possible uncertainties such as, for instance, future developments of the urban environment, possible defects of a probabilistic interpretation, social evaluations, change in public strategy due to a different perception of the seismic threaten. In addition, the ability of a population to react to a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, is strictly depending on its awareness and preparation gained during the years.
This Research Topic deals with the new advances reached in the last years in the field of seismic risk assessment, involving also new possible strategy for protection and mitigation focused on ordinary or strategic buildings, or else on cultural heritage. Some issues, among others, relevant for this Topic are:
• analysis and creation of dynamic inventory reporting the systematic seismic damage suffered after an earthquake;
• statistical analysis of seismic damage and simulation tools;
• seismic input analysis based on signal registrations;
• structural vulnerability;
• simplified and refined methods for seismic risk assessment;
• fragility and consequence functions of structural and non-structural components;
• risk-based design procedures for retrofit interventions;
• analyses protection and mitigation against seismic risk;
• expected annual losses (EAL);
• data concerning the effects on the economic system due to seismic events at large and small scale;
• structural vulnerability and fast appraisal methods.
The scientific community has, in recent years, provided many decision tools capable of managing seismic risk in order to protect the population against this natural and uncertain threaten. These tools are not only based on technical aspects, such as structural vulnerability and/or their economic equivalent losses, but also on organizational and socio-economic factors related to community development, its support systems, and its social sustainability. The efficiency of these decision tools depends also on their capability of considering all possible uncertainties such as, for instance, future developments of the urban environment, possible defects of a probabilistic interpretation, social evaluations, change in public strategy due to a different perception of the seismic threaten. In addition, the ability of a population to react to a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, is strictly depending on its awareness and preparation gained during the years.
This Research Topic deals with the new advances reached in the last years in the field of seismic risk assessment, involving also new possible strategy for protection and mitigation focused on ordinary or strategic buildings, or else on cultural heritage. Some issues, among others, relevant for this Topic are:
• analysis and creation of dynamic inventory reporting the systematic seismic damage suffered after an earthquake;
• statistical analysis of seismic damage and simulation tools;
• seismic input analysis based on signal registrations;
• structural vulnerability;
• simplified and refined methods for seismic risk assessment;
• fragility and consequence functions of structural and non-structural components;
• risk-based design procedures for retrofit interventions;
• analyses protection and mitigation against seismic risk;
• expected annual losses (EAL);
• data concerning the effects on the economic system due to seismic events at large and small scale;
• structural vulnerability and fast appraisal methods.