Among classical exemplifications of tumor microenvironment (TME) in lymphoma pathogenesis, the “effacement model” resembled by diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) implies strong cell autonomous survival and paucity of non-malignant elements. Nonetheless, the magnitude of TME exploration is increasing as novel technologies allow the high-resolution discrimination of cellular and extra-cellular determinants at the functional, more than morphological, level. Results from genomic-scale studies and recent clinical trials revitalized the interest in this field, prompting the use of new tools to dissect DLBCL composition and reveal novel prognostic association. Here we revisited major controversies related to TME in DLBCL, focusing on the use of bioinformatics to mine transcriptomic data and provide new insights to be translated into the clinical setting.
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma is an aggressive hematological neoplasm whose classification is still based on immunophenotypic findings. Frontline treatment encompass high intensity combination chemotherapy with good overall survival; however, relapsing/refractory patients have very limited options. In the last years, the understanding of molecular physiopathology of this disease, lead to the identification of a subset of patients with peculiar genetic profile, namely “early T-cell precursors” lymphoblastic leukemia, characterized by dismal outcome and indication to frontline allogeneic bone marrow transplant. In general, the most common mutations occur in the NOTCH1/FBXW7 pathway (60% of adult patients), with a positive prognostic impact. Other pathogenic steps encompass transcriptional deregulation of oncogenes/oncosuppressors, cell cycle deregulation, kinase signaling (including IL7R-JAK-STAT pathway, PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, RAS/MAPK signaling pathway, ABL1 signaling pathway), epigenetic deregulation, ribosomal dysfunction, and altered expression of oncogenic miRNAs or long non-coding RNA. The insight in the genomic landscape of the disease paves the way to the use of novel targeted drugs that might improve the outcome, particularly in relapse/refractory patients. In this review, we analyse available literature on T-ALL pathogenesis, focusing on molecular aspects of clinical, prognostic, and therapeutic significance.
Personalized treatment is an attractive strategy that promises increased efficacy with reduced side effects in cancer. The feasibility of such an approach has been greatly boosted by next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, which can return detailed information on the genome and on the transcriptome of each patient's tumor, thus highlighting biomarkers of response or druggable targets that may differ from case to case. However, while the number of cancers sequenced is growing exponentially, much fewer cases are amenable to a molecularly-guided treatment outside of clinical trials to date. In multiple myeloma, genomic analysis shows a variety of gene mutations, aneuploidies, segmental copy-number changes, translocations that are extremely heterogeneous, and more numerous than other hematological malignancies. Currently, in routine clinical practice we employ reduced FISH panels that only capture three high-risk features as part of the R-ISS. On the contrary, recent advances have suggested that extending genomic analysis to the full spectrum of recurrent mutations and structural abnormalities in multiple myeloma may have biological and clinical implications. Furthermore, increased efficacy of novel treatments can now produce deeper responses, and standard methods do not have enough sensitivity to stratify patients in complete biochemical remission. Consequently, NGS techniques have been developed to monitor the size of the clone to a sensitivity of up to a cell in a million after treatment. However, even these techniques are not within reach of standard laboratories. In this review we will recapitulate recent advances in multiple myeloma genomics, with special focus on the ones that may have immediate translational impact. We will analyze the benefits and pitfalls of NGS-based diagnostics, highlighting crucial aspects that will need to be taken into account before this can be implemented in most laboratories. We will make the point that a new era in myeloma diagnostics and minimal residual disease monitoring is close and conventional genetic testing will not be able to return the required information. This will mandate that even in routine practice NGS should soon be adopted owing to a higher informative potential with increasing clinical benefits.
Autoimmune cytopenias, particularly autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), complicate up to 25% of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cases. Their occurrence correlates with a more aggressive disease with unmutated VHIG status and unfavorable cytogenetics (17p and 11q deletions). CLL lymphocytes are thought to be responsible of a number of pathogenic mechanisms, including aberrant antigen presentation and cytokine production. Moreover, pathogenic B-cell lymphocytes may induce T-cell subsets imbalance that favors the emergence of autoreactive B-cells producing anti-red blood cells and anti-platelets autoantibodies. In the last 15 years, molecular insights into the pathogenesis of both primary and secondary AIHA/ITP has shown that autoreactive B-cells often display stereotyped B-cell receptor and that the autoantibodies themselves have restricted phenotypes. Moreover, a skewed T-cell repertoire and clonal T cells (mainly CD8+) may be present. In addition, an imbalance of T regulatory-/T helper 17-cells ratio has been involved in AIHA and ITP development, and correlates with various cytokine genes polymorphisms. Finally, altered miRNA and lnRNA profiles have been found in autoimmune cytopenias and seem to correlate with disease phase. Genomic studies are limited in these forms, except for recurrent mutations of KMT2D and CARD11 in cold agglutinin disease, which is considered a clonal B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder resulting in AIHA. In this manuscript, we review the most recent literature on AIHA and ITP secondary to CLL, focusing on available molecular evidences of pathogenic, clinical, and prognostic relevance.
Frontiers in Oncology
BCL-2 Family Inhibitors in Hematologic Malignancies