13 September 2013
Iron: an essential micronutrient for the legume-rhizobium symbiosis
Ella M. Brear
1 more and 
Penelope M. C. Smith
Iron uptake into the infected cell and transport into the symbiosome. Ferrous iron transport into the infected cells, across the plasma membrane (PM) could me mediated by transporters belonging to the NRAMP, ZIP, or YSL family. A citrate effluxer, LjMATE1 is expressed in infected cells, it is predicted to release citrate (blue arc) into the apoplast surrounding infected cells to aid in iron uptake. It is likely to make iron in the apoplast more soluble. Both ferrous and ferric iron are transported across the symbiosome membrane (SM) and bacteroid membrane (BM). However, ferrous iron is taken up more rapidly. A ferric iron transporter, GmDMT1, is present on the SM, but it may not be the only ferrous iron transporter on the SM. Members of the VIT and ZIP transporter families are possible ferrous iron transporters on the SM. Although ferric iron is thought to cross the SM, no plant transporters are known to transport iron-citrate. Ferric chelate reductase activity (FCR) is present on the SM, however, the orientation on the SM has not been confirmed. Within the symbiosome space (SS) ferric iron could chelate siderophores produced by the bacteroid. Ferrous and ferric iron are transported across the bacteroid membrane (BM), but the transporters responsible have not been identified.

Legumes, which develop a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, have an increased demand for iron. Iron is required for the synthesis of iron-containing proteins in the host, including the highly abundant leghemoglobin, and in bacteroids for nitrogenase and cytochromes of the electron transport chain. Deficiencies in iron can affect initiation and development of the nodule. Within root cells, iron is chelated with organic acids such as citrate and nicotianamine and distributed to other parts of the plant. Transport to the nitrogen-fixing bacteroids in infected cells of nodules is more complicated. Formation of the symbiosis results in bacteroids internalized within root cortical cells of the legume where they are surrounded by a plant-derived membrane termed the symbiosome membrane (SM). This membrane forms an interface that regulates nutrient supply to the bacteroid. Consequently, iron must cross this membrane before being supplied to the bacteroid. Iron is transported across the SM as both ferric and ferrous iron. However, uptake of Fe(II) by both the symbiosome and bacteroid is faster than Fe(III) uptake. Members of more than one protein family may be responsible for Fe(II) transport across the SM. The only Fe(II) transporter in nodules characterized to date is GmDMT1 (Glycine max divalent metal transporter 1), which is located on the SM in soybean. Like the root plasma membrane, the SM has ferric iron reductase activity. The protein responsible has not been identified but is predicted to reduce ferric iron accumulated in the symbiosome space prior to uptake by the bacteroid. With the recent publication of a number of legume genomes including Medicago truncatula and G. max, a large number of additional candidate transport proteins have been identified. Members of the NRAMP (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein), YSL (yellow stripe-like), VIT (vacuolar iron transporter), and ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-like protein) transport families show enhanced expression in nodules and are expected to play a role in the transport of iron and other metals across symbiotic membranes.

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