
Accumulating evidences supported that knock-down of DHCR24 is linked to the pathological risk factors of AD, suggesting a potential role of DHCR24 in AD pathogenesis. However, the molecular mechanism link between DHCR24 and tauopathy remains unknown. Here, in order to elucidate the relationship between DHCR24 and tauopathy, we will focus on the effect of DHCR24 on the tau hyperphosphorylation at some toxic sites. In present study, we found that DHCR24 knock-down significantly lead to the hyperphosphorylation of tau sites at Thr181, Ser199, Thr231, Ser262, Ser396. Moreover, DHCR24 knock-down also increase the accumulation of p62 protein, simultaneously decreased the ratio of LC3-II/LC3-I and the number of autophagosome compared to the control groups, suggesting the inhibition of autophagy activity. In contrast, DHCR24 knock-in obviously abolished the effect of DHCR24 knock-down on tau hyperphosphrylation and autophagy. In addition, to elucidate the association between DHCR24 and tauopathy, we further showed that the level of plasma membrane cholesterol, lipid raft-anchored protein caveolin-1, and concomitantly total I class PI3-K (p110α), phospho-Akt (Thr308 and Ser473) were significantly decreased, resulting in the disruption of lipid raft/caveola and inhibition of PI3-K/Akt signaling in silencing DHCR24 SH-SY5Y cells compared to control groups. At the same time, DHCR24 knock-down simultaneously decreased the level of phosphorylated GSK3β at Ser9 (inactive form) and increased the level of phosphorylated mTOR at Ser2448 (active form), leading to overactivation of GSK3β and mTOR signaling. On the contrary, DHCR24 knock-in largely increased the level of membrane cholesterol and caveolin-1, suggesting the enhancement of lipid raft/caveola. And synchronously DHCR24 knock-in also abolished the effect of DHCR24 knock-down on the inhibition of PI3-K/Akt signaling as well as the overactivation of GSK3β and mTOR signaling. Collectively, our data strongly supported DHCR24 knock-down lead to tau hyperphosphorylation and the inhibition of autophagy by a lipid raft-dependent PI3-K/Akt-mediated GSK3β and mTOR signaling. Taking together, our results firstly demonstrated that the decrease of plasma membrane cholesterol mediated by DHCR24 deficiency might contribute to the tauopathy in AD and other tauopathies.

24 citations
Hypothesis and Theory
24 July 2020

The vascular endothelium in the brain is an essential part of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) because of its very tight structure to secure a functional and molecular separation of the brain from the rest of the body and to protect neurons from pathogens and toxins. Impaired transport of metabolites across the BBB due to its increasing dysfunction affects brain health and cognitive functioning, thus providing a starting point of neurodegenerative diseases. The term “cerebral metabolic syndrome” is proposed to highlight the importance of lifestyle factors in neurodegeneration and to describe the impact of increasing BBB dysfunction on neurodegeneration and dementia, especially in elderly patients. If untreated, the cerebral metabolic syndrome may evolve into dementia. Due to the high energy demand of the brain, impaired glucose transport across the BBB via glucose transporters as GLUT1 renders the brain increasingly susceptible to neurodegeneration. Apoptotic processes are further supported by the lack of essential metabolites of the phosphocholine synthesis. In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), inflammatory and infectious processes at the BBB increase the dysfunction and might be pace-making events. At this point, the potentially highly relevant role of the thrombocytic amyloid precursor protein (APP) in endothelial inflammation of the BBB is discussed. Chronic inflammatory processes of the BBB transmitted to an increasing number of brain areas might cause a lasting build-up of spreading, pore-forming β-amyloid fragments explaining the dramatic progression of the disease. In the view of the essential requirement of an early diagnosis to investigate and implement causal therapeutic strategies against dementia, brain imaging methods are of great importance. Therefore, status and opportunities in the field of diagnostic imaging of the living human brain will be portrayed, comprising diverse techniques such as positron emissions tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to uncover the patterns of atrophy, protein deposits, hypometabolism, and molecular as well as functional alterations in AD.

56 citations
20 citations
24 citations
Original Research
07 April 2020

Electroencephalography (EEG) has long been studied as a potential diagnostic method for Alzheimer's disease (AD). The pathological progression of AD leads to cortical disconnection. These disconnections may manifest as functional connectivity alterations, measured by the degree of synchronization between different brain regions, and alterations in complex behaviors produced by the interaction among wide-spread brain regions. Recently, machine learning methods, such as clustering algorithms and classification methods, have been adopted to detect disease-related changes in functional connectivity and classify the features of these changes. Although complexity of EEG signals can also reflect AD-related changes, few machine learning studies have focused on the changes in complexity. Therefore, in this study, we compared the ability of EEG signals to detect characteristics of AD using different machine learning approaches one focused on functional connectivity and the other focused on signal complexity. We examined functional connectivity, estimated by phase lag index (PLI) in EEG signals in healthy older participants [healthy control (HC)] and patients with AD. We estimated signal complexity using multi-scale entropy. Utilizing a support vector machine, we compared the identification accuracy of AD based on functional connectivity at each frequency band and complexity component. Additionally, we evaluated the relationship between synchronization and complexity. The identification accuracy of functional connectivity of the alpha, beta, and gamma bands was significantly high (AUC 1.0), and the identification accuracy of complexity was sufficiently high (AUC 0.81). Moreover, the relationship between functional connectivity and complexity exhibited various temporal-scale-and-regional-specific dependency in both HC participants and patients with AD. In conclusion, the combination of functional connectivity and complexity might reflect complex pathological process of AD. Applying a combination of both machine learning methods to neurophysiological data may provide a novel understanding of the neural network processes in both healthy brains and pathological conditions.

67 citations
21 citations
Article Cover Image
28 citations

Background: The risk and protective factors of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) and its prevalence as well as incidence among old adult in Chinese community are still unclear.

Methods: We carried out this 1-year longitudinal study to survey a random sample of 3,246 community elders aged 60 and over in China. All subjects were required to complete a comprehensive clinical assessment, physical examination and several neuropsychological tests at baseline and follow-up. What’s more, we also collected their lifestyle information by a standardized questionnaire.

Results: We found that the prevalence of aMCI was 17.1%, while the incidence of aMCI among Chinese old adult was 70.57 per 1,000 person-years. By using Cox regression analysis, we found that male sex (p = 0.001, OR = 0.489, 95%CI 0.319~0.751) and reading (p = 0.023, OR = 0.533, 95%CI 0.310~0.917) were protective factors for against aMCI. Old adult who developed aMCI in the future showed multiple cognitive impairments (such as immediate memory, associative learning memory and executive function) in their early stage, and Wechsler’s Block Design (p = 0.027, OR = 0.969, 95%CL 0.943~0.996) could predict whether subjects would turn into aMCI in the future.

Conclusions: The present study suggests that aMCI is a considerable health problem in China. Executive dysfunction may be an indicator of future development of aMCI in the old normal adult.

25 citations
Mediation models on the relationship between age and CWIT inhibition reaction times. The relationship between age and CWIT inhibition reaction time was attenuated after controlling for VMHC of bilateral vmPFC. However, the direct effect of age on CWIT inhibition reaction time was still significant. Their relationship was therefore partly mediated by VMHC of bilateral vmPFC. ***P < 0.001.
31 citations
Data-processing and classification procedures employed in our study.
43 citations
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