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Frequently asked questions

Flat fee agreements for researchers

Open Access publishing offers a fantastic way to share your research with the world, but navigating the benefits and eligibility criteria of institutional agreements can often be challenging. This FAQ page highlights the most frequently asked questions by researchers about the flat fee partnerships at Frontiers. Find the answers you need to make informed decisions about your Open Access publishing journey.

What must I do to ensure the flat fee agreement covers my article?

Contact your library or Frontiers' institutional partnerships team to ensure your institution has a flat fee agreement with Frontiers. When submitting your article, accurately list your institutional affiliation, including the department and institution’s name, and use your institutional email address. Each institution may have additional rules or steps for its researchers, so contacting your institutional library is essential.

How does this work with my institution?

A flat fee partnership between Frontiers and your institution streamlines the publishing process by centralizing the payment of article publishing charges. Under this agreement, and through a single annual payment from each participating institution, research centers and libraries can support their affiliated researchers in publishing unlimited peer-reviewed articles across all Frontiers journals.

If my institution is a partner, do I need to tell my institution I’m publishing with Frontiers?

It isn't usually necessary for you to notify your institution that you're publishing with Frontiers if your institution is a partner. Typically, the partnership agreement is structured to automatically associate your submissions with your institution based on your affiliated email address. However, the process can vary depending on the specific terms of the partnership agreement between Frontiers and your institution. To get the most accurate information, it is best to confirm the partnership agreement terms with your institution's library or the department that manages the partnership. This way, you'll know if there are any additional steps you need to follow.

What does the flat fee cover, and are there any additional charges?

The flat fee covers the article publishing charges (APCs) for publishing in a Frontiers journal. This includes the costs associated with editorial, production, hosting, and dissemination services. The flat fee covers these services fully, and there should not be any additional charges for them. However, the flat fee agreement may not apply to all types of articles or documents, such as books or other types of non-article content. Be sure to check with your institution and with Frontiers about any potential additional services and charges.

What if I’m publishing with authors from other institutions?

If you're publishing with authors from other institutions, and even if other co-authors' institutions have a flat-fee agreement, the publishing will be accounted against the flat fee agreement of the corresponding author's institution. It's important to discuss the funding of the article publishing charges (APCs) early in your collaboration.

Is the flat fee a one-time payment or recurring?

The flat fee is an innovative initiative designed to champion open access to scientific research and to provide long-term budget security for institutions. It consists of a single annual payment made by an institution or group of organizations, enabling the support of researchers affiliated with partner institutions to publish an unlimited number of peer-reviewed articles across all Frontiers journals.

How does the flat-fee model affect my publishing options?

Researchers covered by a flat fee partnership model can publish unlimited peer-reviewed articles across all Frontiers journals. This means you can better plan your budget, retain copyright to your article, and increase its visibility, usage, and impact. Funding for these charges can often be included in research project budgets, and different institutions have different agreements with Frontiers. Always check the specifics with your institutional library.

Are society journals covered by the flat fee agreements?

The type of coverage for our partner journals depends on the agreement. Partner journals are currently available on a limited basis. Verify your institution's partner page, or consult with your library for more details. The Frontiers institutional partnerships program is actively working on expanding features, and society journals may be included regularly in future updates.

Will the flat fee affect the quality or rigor of the peer review?

The flat fee does not affect the quality or rigor of the peer review process. The partnership has no impact on the academic and scientific processes involved in publishing, such as the peer-review process. Frontiers maintains a stringent and high-quality peer-review process, which ensures that all articles published in its journals meet the necessary scientific and academic standards. The peer-review process is objective and is not influenced by any financial dealings, including institutional partnerships. Thus, as a researcher, you can be assured that Frontiers's rigorous, fair, and constructive peer-review process remains intact, regardless of whether you're part of a partner institution.

Are there any restrictions on the journals covered by the flat fee?

The restrictions on the journals covered by a flat fee partnership depend on the specific terms outlined in the agreement between your institution and Frontiers. Flat fee partnerships can vary widely in their scope, and the terms may specify the types of journals covered or may leave room for flexibility. Each institution may have additional rules or steps for its researchers, so contacting your institutional library is essential.

Are there any restrictions on the article types covered by the flat fee?

As with journals, the restrictions on the types of articles covered by a flat fee partnership will depend on the specific terms and conditions outlined in the agreement between your institution and the publisher. These agreements can vary, and the coverage may be specified differently. Each institution may have additional rules or steps for its researchers, so contacting your institutional library is essential.

What happens if my article is rejected or withdrawn?

If an article is rejected during the peer-review process, it will not affect your institution's partnership agreement with Frontiers. The rigorous peer-review process is designed to maintain the high research standards published in Frontiers journals. It is independent of any institutional agreements. Still, specific terms can vary based on the individual agreement between Frontiers and your institution. For precise information, you should consult with the appropriate representative at your institution to refer to the terms and conditions of your institution's partnership agreement.