5 news posts

Frontiers news
11 May 2016
Frontiers eBooks listed in JuLib eXtended
Following their addition in SFX®, Frontiers eBooks are now listed in the JuLib eXtended Information Portal of Forschungszentrum Jülich, one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe. The list can be found here. Based on the open-source discovery system VuFind and EBSCO Discovery Service, JuLib eXtended offers users a high-quality overview of the holdings in the Central Library and the more than 50 institute libraries at all of Forschungszentrum Jülich’s sites.

Frontiers news
09 May 2016
Frontiers eBooks published in April 2016
Below is a list of Frontiers eBooks published in April 2016. All Frontiers eBooks are free to download, share and distribute. Science: Further Understanding of Serotonin 7 Receptors’ Neuro-Psycho-Pharmacology, hosted by Walter Adriani and Carla Perrone-Capano Dynamic Systems Theory and Embodiment in Psychotherapy Research. A New Look at Process and Outcome, hosted by Sergio Salvatore, Wolfgang Tschacher, Omar Carlo Gioacchino Gelo and Sabine C. Koch Branching and Rooting Out with a CT Scanner: The Why, the How, and the Outcomes, Present and Possibly Future, hosted by Pierre Dutilleul and Jonathan A. Lafond Systems Biology and Ecology of Microbial Mat Communities, hosted by Martin G. Klotz, Donald A. Bryant, Jim K. Fredrickson, William P. Inskeep and Michael Kühl Facing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception Research, hosted by Davide Rivolta, Aina Puce and Mark A. Williams Hierarchical Object Representations in the Visual Cortex and Computer Vision, hosted by Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, Mazyar Fallah and Ales Leonardis Development of Executive Function during Childhood, hosted by Yusuke Moriguchi, Philip D. Zelazo and Nicolas Chevalier Serotonin and Memory, hosted by Alfredo Meneses and Antonella Gasbarri Morphologically Complex Words in the Mind/Brain, hosted by Alina Leminen, Harald Clahsen, Minna Lehtonen and Mirjana Bozic […]

Frontiers news
22 Feb 2016
Frontiers eBooks listed in BEAST
Frontiers eBooks are now listed in BEAST (Books, Ebooks and Articles Search Tool), the EPFL library tool that allows for an exhaustive research in the printed and digital collections: books, eBooks, digital and printed journals and articles. The listing followed the addition of these first titles in SFX® (http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/SFXOverview ), the most widely used OpenURL link resolver, used by over 2400 institutions in more than 50 countries and offering a wealth of features for end users and librarians.

Frontiers news
17 Nov 2015
Frontiers eBooks listed in the Directory of Open Access Books
Frontiers eBooks are now listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). The first titles went online in November and can be found here. The list will gradually expand, in order to include all published Frontiers eBooks. DOAB is a service of OAPEN Foundation, an international initiative dedicated to Open Access monograph publishing, based at the National Library in The Hague. Having as a primary aim to increase discoverability of Open Access books, it supports the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH), in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Service providers and libraries can use the protocol to harvest the metadata of the records from DOAB for inclusion in their collections and catalogues. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books.

02 Sep 2015
STAFF PICK: Neuroscience perspectives on Security: Technology, Detection, and Decision Making
Meet Nikolaos Anagnostos. Nikolaos is a production coordinator who has been with Frontiers since 2011. As part of the production team, he sees a lot of articles come through and helps manage them along the way. His staff pick is an e-book, which is a collection of articles that were the result of a Frontiers Research Topic. The e-book is free to download. Below is why he chose this e-book. E-Book Staff Pick: Neuroscience perspectives on Security: Technology, Detection, and Decision Making Edited by: Elena Rusconi, Kenneth C. Scott-Brown, Andrea Szymkowiak From tracing the neural markers of successful lying and discussing the potential use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as a lie detector in criminal courts, to a debate on whether non-invasive brain stimulation should be used in security and military services and a closer look at CCTV operators or at an X-ray security scanner offering multiple views of objects as image sequences: the articles included in this e-book present a wide range of security science topics, while examining the multiple social and ethical questions that arise. Personally, I found it interesting to read how much effort is done to overcome the artificial environment that is inherent in these experimental […]