AUTHOR=KONKOBO Frédéric Anderson , DIAO Mamounata , OUEDRAOGO Elisabeth Rakisewendé , BARRY Poussian Raymond , Balamoussa Santara , ZONGO Sandrine , ROAMBA Noëlle Edwige , DAKUYO Roger , SANOU Abdoudramane , KABORE Kabakdé , BAZIE David , SAVADOGO Paul Windinpsidi , DICKO Mamoudou Hama TITLE=Study of a new biocoagulant/bioflocculant mixture based on Boscia senegalensis seeds powder and Aloe vera leaves extract for the treatment of raw water intended for human consumption in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa JOURNAL=Frontiers in Water VOLUME=6 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/frwa.2024.1453707 ISSN=2624-9375