The 99% minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC99) and mutant prevention concentration (MPC) of tulathromycin against APP were measured using the agar-plate method. After the model of dynamic infection had been established based on tulathromycin data in lungs, different dosages were administered to make the drug concentrations located in different parts of the MSW. The population and sensitivity of APP were monitored. Tulathromycin concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Finally, a sigmoid Emax model was used to analyze the relationships between PK/PD parameters and antibacterial effects.
The values of MIC, MIC99, and MPC of tulathromycin against APP were 2, 1.4, and 44.8 μg/mL, respectively. The PPIM was stable. An elimination effect without regrowth was observed at 5.6 to 44.8 μg/mL (−4.48 to −7.05 Log10 CFU/mL, respectively). The MIC of APP increased 32-fold at 8 MIC99. AUC168 h/MIC99 had the best fit with the antibacterial effect (