Septic peritonitis is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. As a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of sepsis, 2-O, 3-O desulfated heparin (ODSH) reduces histones and platelet factor 4 (PF4) in mouse sepsis models. This pilot clinical trial evaluated the safety and effect of ODSH in client-owned dogs with septic peritonitis.
In an IACUC-approved, open-label, prospective, dose-escalation clinical trial in 6 dogs with spontaneous septic peritonitis, ODSH administration was initiated following surgical explore to achieve source control.
The mean APPLEfast and APPLEfull scores on admission were 22 +/- 6 and 32 +/-10, respectively. Four dogs received 4 total dosages of ODSH and 2 dogs received 3 total dosages of ODSH intravenously. The mean total dosage of ODSH administered during the study period was 48.3 +/- 21.6 mg/kg. No dog required dose de-escalation or had any evidence of bleeding. Four dogs survived to discharge.
No adverse effects of ODSH administration were documented in dogs with septic peritonitis. A randomized controlled trial is necessary to evaluate ODSH as a novel therapeutic in the treatment of septic peritonitis.