MethodsThe use of a blend containing nature-identical compounds of sorbic acid (25%), thymol (9.5%) and carvacrol (2.5%) microencapsulated in a lipid matrix, was investigated in the present work, for the control of three Salmonella serovars (S. ser. Typhimurium, S. ser. Heidelberg and S. ser. Minnesota). Commercial broilers were challenged at 3 or at 33 days of age. Groups SH-1, SM-1 and ST-1, received treatment in the feed, at 2 kg/ton from 1–21 days of age and at 1 kg/ton from 35–42 days of age (last week), while groups SH-2, SM-2 and ST-2, were treated only during the last week receiving 2 kg/ton. Each treated group had an untreated control group, that was challenged at the same moment with the respective serovar (groups PCH, PCM and PCT). The challenge strains were enumerated in liver and cecal contents, weekly after challenge, at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days-of-age.