AUTHOR=Pino Moreno José Manuel , Blasquez Julieta Ramos-Elorduy TITLE=Taxonomic Analysis of Some Edible Insects From the State of Michoacán, Mexico JOURNAL=Frontiers in Veterinary Science VOLUME=8 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fvets.2021.629194 ISSN=2297-1769 ABSTRACT=

In the state of Michoacán, Mexico, 49 genera and 69 species of edible insects were registered, and they belong to the following orders: Orthoptera: (families) Pyrgomorphidae (2 species) and Acrididae (5); Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Coreidae (1), Corixidae (2), Pentatomidae (2), Membracidae (2), and Aethalionidae (3); Coleoptera: Cerambycidae (1), Cicendelidae (2), Curculionidae (2), Dytiscidae (1), Noteridae (1), Gyrinidae (1), Passalidae (1), Scarabaeidae (1), Tenebrionidae (2), Bostrichidae (1), Buprestidae (1), and Melolonthidae (1); Lepidoptera: Cossidae (1), Danaidae (1), Megathymidae (1), Pieridae (1), Bombycidae (1), Sessidae (1), Noctuidae (1), and Nymphalidae (1); Diptera: Stratiomydae (2); and Hymenoptera: Diprionidae (2), Apidae (10), Formicidae (4), and Vespidae (12). The order Coleoptera presents the highest number of families (12), but the order Hymenoptera has the highest number of genera (18) and species (28), 12 of which belong to the family Vespidae. Among the genera, 75.52% are monospecific, 14.28% are bispecific, 4.08% are trispecific, 4.08% are tetraspecific, and 2.04% are pentaspecific. Their distribution by locality is indicated, and these localities correspond to the municipalities of the state sampled so far; likewise, we report various forms in which they are prepared and the economic importance of, for example, the grasshoppers of the genus Sphenarium that are widely looked for, collected, accepted as part of the diet, consumed, and marketed.