Results and discussionFor the first time, obtained results allowed to assess the transcriptomic profile and heterogeneity of splenic CD4+ T cell subsets, during a trypanosome infection. Here, the predominant subpopulation of T cells was represented by Tbx21(T-bet)+Ccr5+ Id2+ type 1 helper T cells (Th1), followed by Icos+ Cxcr5+Follicular T helper cells (Tfh) and very minor fraction of Il2ra(CD25)+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs). Interestingly, the profile of Th1 cells shows that besides Ifng, these cells express high levels of Il10 and Il21, coding for anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokines. This coincides with the elevated expression of key genes involved in IL-10 and IL-21 secretion pathway such as Stat1 and Stat3, as well as the transcriptional factors Prdm1 (Blimp 1), and Maf (c-Maf). In contrast, there is virtually no IL-10 transcription detected in the Treg population. Finally, differential gene expression and gene ontology analysis of infection-induced Ifng+ Il10+ Il21+ Th1 cells highlights their suppressive function on T cell activation, differentiation and INF-γ production itself. This indicates that during trypanosome infections, the Ifng+ Il10+ Il21+ Th1 cells, rather than Tregs, assume an immune regulatory role that is needed for dampening inflammation.