AUTHOR=Alamu Emmanuel Oladeji , Maziya-Dixon Busie , Dixon Alfred Gilbert TITLE=Evaluation of the pasting characteristics of cassava roots grown in different locations in Nigeria from the Genetic Gain Assessment trial JOURNAL=Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems VOLUME=6 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fsufs.2022.1012410 ISSN=2571-581X ABSTRACT=
The cooking quality, especially the pasting properties, is essential in cassava starch applications or successfully utilizing cassava in food industries and at the household level. This study evaluated the cassava roots from the Genetic Gain Assessment trial grown in three locations for dry matter (DM) and the pasting characteristics. Four hundred cassava genotypes were planted under IVS (Dry season in Inland Valley Hydromorphic area) and Upland (rain-fed conditions) trials at IITA Research Farms, Nigeria. The harvested cassava roots (12 months after planting) were analyzed for DM, and the dried-milled roots were analyzed for pasting properties using standard laboratory methods. The DM ranged from 25.04 to 38.72%, with a mean of 31.97 ± 2.41%. The pasting properties (peak, trough, breakdown, setback and final viscosities) ranged from 140.36–570.93 RVU (mean 241.71 ± 38.17), 6.74–173.32 RVU (mean 96.65 ± 23.45), 66.97–482.35 RVU (mean 142.44 ± 30.16), 60.06–231.74RVU (mean 134.42 ± 30.52), and 5.22–135.69 RVU (mean 37.78 ± 12.96), respectively. The genotypes had no significant effect (