The growing need for environmental awareness accentuated the importance of green and sustainable business practices. This is also true for universities that modernly expanded their green training and research to engage in green operational practices.
This article summarises the main principles and factors of implementing green initiatives. Firstly, a generic theoretical approach conceptualizes implementing green initiatives at universities. The investigation analyses existing and current green initiatives at the universities, considers the benefits and barriers of implementing green initiatives, and develops a theoretical model for implementing green initiatives at South African public universities. An adapted conceptual model consisting of twenty significant literature antecedents (
Although the regression model explains satisfactory variance (R2 = 0.862; R2 adjusted = 0.841), only five of the 20 antecedents in the theoretical model are significant. They are
The model aspires to demonstrate and measure the implementation of green initiatives at public universities. Although the theoretical model is detailed, the empirical study showed that not all of the antecedents are usable for measuring and managing the implementation of green initiatives at South African public higher institutions. This study validated five of the antecedents and six factors for immediate use. The model's unvalidated antecedents and unreliable factors require empirical revalidation before operationalizing it fully. Researchers and scholars exploring this avenue of green initiatives implementation models can also benefit from this article.