AUTHOR=Tzikos Georgios , Menni Alexandra , Cheva Angeliki , Pliakos Ioannis , Tsakona Anastasia , Apostolidis Stilianos , Iakovou Ioannis , Michalopoulos Antonios , Papavramidis Theodosios TITLE=Composite Paraganglioma of the Celiac Trunk: A Case Report and a Comprehensive Review of the Literature JOURNAL=Frontiers in Surgery VOLUME=9 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fsurg.2022.824076 ISSN=2296-875X ABSTRACT=Introduction

Composite paragangliomas consist of two components, paraganglioma and ganglioneuroma, representing a rare subgroup of paragangliomas. The purpose of the study is to describe a case of composite paraganglioma of the celiac trunk and a brief review of the existing literature.

Case Presentation

A 64-year-old female patient with a history of epigastric abdominal pain and a 51 mm-diameter tumor found in a Computerized Tomography of the abdomen was admitted to our surgical department for further evaluation and treatment. After a brief preoperative surgical assessment, the patient underwent a mini-laparotomy for the excision of this tumor. After having the results of the pathology report, a comprehensive review of the international literature was carried out by applying the appropriate search terms.


As it was found intraoperatively, the tumor was located at the cephalad aspect of the common hepatic artery, over the portal vein and the inferior vena cava. A negative-margin resection was achieved and the tumor was sent for pathology analysis. The final pathology report revealed a composite paraganglioma, with α paraganglioma and a ganglioneuroma component. Seventeen cases of extra-adrenal composite paraganglioma have been reported in the international literature so far. This case was the first one found in the area of the celiac trunk.


Composite paragangliomas comprise rare and potentially malignant tumors with variable prognosis. Establishing their diagnosis promptly is of vital significance. Due to the first-described location of the composite paraganglioma in our case, the differential diagnosis of tumors in this area should also include composite paragangliomas.