Biochemical processes involved in complex skin diseases (skin cancers, psoriasis, and wound) can be identified by combining proteomics analysis and bioinformatics tools, which gain a next-level insight into their pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapeutic targets.
Articles were identified through a search of PubMed, Embase, and MEDLINE references dated to May 2022, to perform system data mining, and a search of the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection was utilized to conduct a visual bibliometric analysis.
An increased trend line revealed that the number of publications related to proteomics utilized in skin diseases has sharply increased recent years, reaching a peak in 2021. The hottest fields focused on are skin cancer (melanoma), inflammation skin disorder (psoriasis), and skin wounds. After deduplication and title, abstract, and full-text screening, a total of 486 of the 7,822 outcomes met the inclusion/exclusion criteria for detailed data mining in the field of skin disease tooling with proteomics, with regard to skin cancer. According to the data, cell death, metabolism, skeleton, immune, and inflammation enrichment pathways are likely the major part and hotspots of proteomic analysis found in skin diseases. Also, the focuses of proteomics in skin disease are from superficial presumption to depth mechanism exploration within more comprehensive validation, from basic study to a combination or guideline for clinical applications. Furthermore, we chose skin cancer as a typical example, compared with other skin disorders. In addition to finding key pathogenic proteins and differences between diseases, proteomic analysis is also used for therapeutic evaluation or can further obtain in-depth mechanisms in the field of skin diseases.
Proteomics has been regarded as an irreplaceable technology in the study of pathophysiological mechanism and/or therapeutic targets of skin diseases, which could provide candidate key proteins for the insight into the biological information after gene transcription. However, depth pathogenesis and potential clinical applications need further studies with stronger evidence within a wider range of skin diseases.