AUTHOR=Grunenberg Eric , Peters Heinrich , Francis Matt J. , Back Mitja D. , Matz Sandra C. TITLE=Machine learning in recruiting: predicting personality from CVs and short text responses JOURNAL=Frontiers in Social Psychology VOLUME=Volume 1 - 2023 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/frsps.2023.1290295 ISSN=2813-7876 ABSTRACT=
Assessing the psychological characteristics of job applicants—including their vocational interests or personality traits—has been a corner stone of hiring processes for decades. While traditional forms of such assessments require candidates to self-report their characteristics via questionnaire measures, recent research suggests that computers can predict people's psychological traits from the digital footprints they leave online (e.g., their Facebook profiles, Twitter posts or credit card spending). Although such models become increasingly available via third-party providers, the use of external data in the hiring process poses considerable ethical and legal challenges. In this paper, we examine the predictability of personality traits from models that are trained exclusively on data generated during the recruiting process. Specifically, we leverage information from CVs and free-text answers collected as part of a real-world, high-stakes recruiting process in combination with natural language processing to predict applicants' Big Five personality traits (