AUTHOR=Kartmann Rainer , Asfour Tamim TITLE=Interactive and incremental learning of spatial object relations from human demonstrations JOURNAL=Frontiers in Robotics and AI VOLUME=10 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/frobt.2023.1151303 ISSN=2296-9144 ABSTRACT=

Humans use semantic concepts such as spatial relations between objects to describe scenes and communicate tasks such as “Put the tea to the right of the cup” or “Move the plate between the fork and the spoon.” Just as children, assistive robots must be able to learn the sub-symbolic meaning of such concepts from human demonstrations and instructions. We address the problem of incrementally learning geometric models of spatial relations from few demonstrations collected online during interaction with a human. Such models enable a robot to manipulate objects in order to fulfill desired spatial relations specified by verbal instructions. At the start, we assume the robot has no geometric model of spatial relations. Given a task as above, the robot requests the user to demonstrate the task once in order to create a model from a single demonstration, leveraging cylindrical probability distribution as generative representation of spatial relations. We show how this model can be updated incrementally with each new demonstration without access to past examples in a sample-efficient way using incremental maximum likelihood estimation, and demonstrate the approach on a real humanoid robot.