AUTHOR=Chapin Samantha , Everson Holly , Chapin William , Quartaro Amy , Komendera Erik TITLE=Built On-orbit Robotically assembled Gigatruss (BORG): A mixed assembly architecture trade study JOURNAL=Frontiers in Robotics and AI VOLUME=10 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/frobt.2023.1109131 ISSN=2296-9144 ABSTRACT=
This paper explores a mixed assembly architecture trade study for a Built On-orbit Robotically assembled Gigatruss (BORG). Robotic in-space assembly (ISA) and servicing is a crucial field to expand endeavors in space. Currently, large structures in space are commonly only deployable and must be efficiently folded and packed into a launch vehicle (LV) and then deployed perfectly for operational status to be achieved. To actualize being able to build increasingly large structures in space, this scheme becomes less feasible, being constrained by LV volume and mass requirements. ISA allows the use of multiple launches to create even larger structures. The common ISA proposals consist of either strut-by-strut or multiple deployable module construction methodologies. In this paper, a mixed assembly scheme is explored and a trade study is conducted on its possible advantages with respect to many phases of a mission: 1) manufacturing, 2) stowage and transport, 3) ISA, and 4) servicing. Finally, a weighted decision matrix was created to help compare the various advantages and disadvantages of different architectural schemes.