AUTHOR=Mélin Frédéric , Cazzaniga Ilaria , Sciuto Pietro TITLE=Verification of uncertainty estimates of autonomous field measurements of marine reflectance using simultaneous observations JOURNAL=Frontiers in Remote Sensing VOLUME=4 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/frsen.2023.1295855 ISSN=2673-6187 ABSTRACT=

The primary ocean color product is the spectrum of remote sensing reflectance RRS that allows the quantification of in-water optically significant constituents and all ocean color applications. The determination of its uncertainties is thus key to the creation of comprehensive uncertainty budgets for all derived ocean color products. The assessment of satellite RRS uncertainties has largely relied on corresponding field measurements but this process is solid only if these field measurements are in turn fully characterized. Uncertainty budgets have therefore been defined and reported for the radiometric measurements collected in the framework of the Ocean Color component of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET-OC). The contemporaneous deployment of two autonomous systems for 5.5 years on the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) located in the northern Adriatic Sea led to the collection of 4,449 pairs of coincident observations (collected with a time difference lower than 10 min) distributed over 659 days of data acquisitions that can be used to verify reported uncertainty values. The comparison of matched pairs showed a good agreement for RRS (with differences of typically 2%–3% between 412 and 560 nm), as well as for the aerosol optical thickness τa (3%–6%). Differences between data from the two systems appear generally consistent with their stated uncertainties, indicating that they are metrologically compatible and that uncertainties reported for AERONET-OC data are usually trustworthy (with possible exceptions depending on the level of error correlation between measurements from the two systems). Using uncertainty cone diagrams, this result holds across the range of uncertainty values with few exceptions. Independent uncertainty estimates associated with non-systematic error contributions were obtained using a collocation framework allowing for error correlation between measurements from the two systems. The resulting uncertainties appeared comparable with the reported values for τa and RRS. The related mathematical development also showed that the centered root-mean-square difference between data collected by two systems is a conservative estimate of the uncertainty associated with these data (excluding systematic contributions) if these data show a good agreement (expressed by a slope of method II regression close to 1) and if their uncertainties can be assumed similar with errors moderately correlated (typically lower than 0.5).