AUTHOR=Marshak Alexander , Delgado-Bonal Alfonso , Knyazikhin Yuri TITLE=Effect of Scattering Angle on Earth Reflectance JOURNAL=Frontiers in Remote Sensing VOLUME=2 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/frsen.2021.719610 ISSN=2673-6187 ABSTRACT=

After March 2020 the range of scattering angle for DSCOVR EPIC and NISTAR has been substantially increased with its upper bound reaching 178°. This provides a unique opportunity to observe bi-directional effects of reflectance near backscattering directions. The dependence of the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance on scattering angle is shown separately for ocean and land areas, for cloudy and clear pixels, while cloudy pixels are also separated into liquid and ice clouds. A strong increase of TOA reflectance towards backscattering direction is reported for all components (except cloudless areas over ocean). The observed increase of reflectance is confirmed by cloud and vegetation models. The strongest correlation between TOA reflectance and scattering angle was found near IR where contribution from vegetation dominates. Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) acquired by DSCOVR EPIC and Terra MISR sensors over the Amazon basin is used to demonstrate the bi-directional effects of solar zenith and scattering angles on variation of reflected radiation from rainforest.