AUTHOR=Borkowska Violet R. , McConnell Alistair , Vijayakumar Sethu , Stokes Adam , Roche Aidan D. TITLE=A Haptic Sleeve as a Method of Mechanotactile Feedback Restoration for Myoelectric Hand Prosthesis Users JOURNAL=Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences VOLUME=3 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fresc.2022.806479 ISSN=2673-6861 ABSTRACT=
Current myoelectric upper limb prostheses do not restore sensory feedback, impairing fine motor control. Mechanotactile feedback restoration with a haptic sleeve may rectify this problem. This randomised crossover within-participant controlled study aimed to assess a prototype haptic sleeve's effect on routine grasping tasks performed by eight able-bodied participants. Each participant completed 15 repetitions of the three tasks: Task 1—normal grasp, Task 2—strong grasp and Task 3—weak grasp, using visual, haptic, or combined feedback All data were collected in April 2021 in the Scottish Microelectronics Centre, Edinburgh, UK. Combined feedback correlated with significantly higher grasp success rates compared to the vision alone in Task 1 (