AUTHOR=Fetscher Leonard , Batra Marion , Klose Uwe TITLE=Improved localization of language areas using single voxel signal analysis of unprocessed fMRI data JOURNAL=Frontiers in Radiology VOLUME=2 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fradi.2022.997330 ISSN=2673-8740 ABSTRACT=
Activated brain regions can be visualized and localized with the use of fMRI (functional magnetic imaging). This is based on changes in the blood flow in activated regions, or more precisely on the hemodynamic response function (HRF) and the Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent (BOLD) effect. This study used a task-based fMRI examination with language paradigms in order to stimulate the language areas. The measured fMRI data are frequently altered by different preprocessing steps for the analysis and the display of activations. These changes can lead to discrepancies between the displayed and the truly measured location of the activations. Simple