Exertional dyspnoea in post-COVID syndrome is a debilitating manifestation, requiring appropriate comprehensive management. However, limited-resources healthcare systems might be unable to expand their healthcare-providing capacity and are expected to be overwhelmed by increasing healthcare demand. Furthermore, since post-COVID exertional dyspnoea is regarded to represent an umbrella term, encompassing several clinical conditions, stratification of patients with post-COVID exertional dyspnoea, depending on risk factors and underlying aetiologies might provide useful for healthcare optimization and potentially help relieve healthcare service from overload. Hence, we aimed to investigate the frequency, functional characterization, and predictors of post-COVID exertional dyspnoea in a large cohort of post-COVID patients in Apulia, Italy, at 3-month post-acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.
A cohort of laboratory-confirmed 318 patients, both domiciliary or hospitalized, was evaluated in a post-COVID Unit outpatient setting. Post-COVID exertional dyspnoea and other post-COVID syndrome manifestations were collected by medical history. Functional characterization of post-COVID exertional dyspnoea was performed through a 6-min walking test (6-mwt). The association of post-COVID exertional dyspnoea with possible risk factors was investigated through univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis.
At medical evaluation, post-COVID exertional dyspnoea was reported by as many as 190/318 patients (59.7%), showing relatively high prevalence also in domiciliary-course patients. However, functional characterization disclosed a 6-mwt-based desaturation walking drop in only 24.1% of instrumental post-COVID exertional dyspnoea patients. Multivariate analysis identified five independent predictors significantly contributing to PCED, namely post-COVID-fatigue, pre-existing respiratory co-morbidities, non-asthmatic allergy history, age, and acute-phase-dyspnoea. Sex-restricted multivariate analysis identified a differential risk pattern for males (pre-existing respiratory co-morbidities, age, acute-phase-dyspnoea) and females (post-COVID-fatigue and acute-phase-dyspnoea).
Our findings revealed that post-COVID exertional dyspnoea is characterized by relevant clinical burden, with potential further strain on healthcare systems, already weakened by pandemic waves. Sex-based subgroup analysis reveals sex-specific dyspnoea-underlying risk profiles and pathogenic mechanisms. Knowledge of sex-specific risk-determining factors might help optimize personalized care management and healthcare resources.