To understand the prevalence and treatment outcome of tuberculosis in a typically regional County from 2016 to 2021, so as to provide reference and basis for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in this area.
Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the population, time and location distribution of pulmonary tuberculosis in Dazhu County from 2016 to 2021. The incidence rates were compared by Chi-square test and trend test, time distribution combined with seasonal index analysis, and the test level was
A total of 2,899 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were reported in Dazhu County from 2016 to 2021, with an average annual incidence rate of 44.29/100,000 and standardized reported incidence rate was 36.77/100,000, showing a downward trend year by year (
The incidence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis in this regional county is decreasing year by year. Male patients are higher than female patients and have certain seasonal characteristics. Attention should be paid to male, older adult, farmers and other groups, and corresponding measures should be taken to strengthen the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in high incidence areas.