AUTHOR=Chemelo Victória Santos , Bittencourt Leonardo Oliveira , Nascimento Priscila Cunha , Paiva Mayra Frasson , Delbem Alberto Carlos Botazzo , Pessan Juliano Pelim , do Espírito Santo Alexandre Ribeiro , Albuquerque Alan Rodrigo Leal , Angélica Rômulo Simões , Crespo-Lopez Maria Elena , Pessanha Sofia , Aschner Michael , Lima Rafael Rodrigues TITLE=Maternal methylmercury exposure during early-life periods adversely affects mature enamel structure of offspring rats at human exposure levels: a concern for oral health JOURNAL=Frontiers in Public Health VOLUME=11 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2023.1183308 ISSN=2296-2565 ABSTRACT=

Although there are many studies on the health effects of methylmercury (MeHg) toxicity during in utero and early development, little is known about its effects on mineralized tissues present in the oral cavity, such as enamel structure. Therefore, this study evaluated the effects of MeHg exposure on the physico-chemical, ultrastructural and functional properties of mature tooth enamel. Specifically, we studied offspring of mothers exposed to MeHg during the prenatal and postnatal periods which are the developmental stages associated with tooth enamel formation. Female rats were exposed to MeHg at a dose of 40 μg/kg/day for 42 days of pregnancy and lactation. The enamel of offspring was analyzed by (1) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Raman to assess physicochemical composition, (2) Scanning Electron Microscopy for ultrastructural evaluation, (3) Transmitted Polarizing Light Microscopy for analysis of the enamel extracellular matrix, and (4) resistance and hardness were evaluated by microhardness. The results showed that MeHg exposure during this sensitive enamel formation period induced changes in inorganic and organic content and enamel prisms ultrastructure alterations and disturbed the organic extracellular matrix due to a decreased enamel strength. These novel findings establish for the first time that maternal exposure to MeHg pre and postnatal promoted relevant changes in mature enamel of their offspring rats.