AUTHOR=Kshirsagar Pravin R. , Manoharan Hariprasath , Selvarajan Shitharth , Alterazi Hassan A. , Singh Dilbag , Lee Heung-No TITLE=Perception Exploration on Robustness Syndromes With Pre-processing Entities Using Machine Learning Algorithm JOURNAL=Frontiers in Public Health VOLUME=10 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2022.893989 ISSN=2296-2565 ABSTRACT=

The majority of the current-generation individuals all around the world are dealing with a variety of health-related issues. The most common cause of health problems has been found as depression, which is caused by intellectual difficulties. However, most people are unable to recognize such occurrences in them, and no procedures for discriminating them from normal people have been created so far. Even some advanced technologies do not support distinct classes of individuals as language writing skills vary greatly across numerous places, making the central operations cumbersome. As a result, the primary goal of the proposed research is to create a unique model that can detect a variety of diseases in humans, thereby averting a high level of depression. A machine learning method known as the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model has been included into this evolutionary process for extracting numerous features in three distinct units. The CNN also detects early-stage problems since it accepts input in the form of writing and sketching, both of which are turned to images. Furthermore, with this sort of image emotion analysis, ordinary reactions may be easily differentiated, resulting in more accurate prediction results. The characteristics such as reference line, tilt, length, edge, constraint, alignment, separation, and sectors are analyzed to test the usefulness of CNN for recognizing abnormalities, and the extracted features provide an enhanced value of around 74%higher than the conventional models.