AUTHOR=Lin Siyuan , Shi Qi , Zhou Ning TITLE=Construction of a Traceability System for Food Industry Chain Safety Information Based on Internet of Things Technology JOURNAL=Frontiers in Public Health VOLUME=10 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2022.857039 ISSN=2296-2565 ABSTRACT=

The continuous development of the social economy, has stimulataed an increase in the satndard of living and increased the deman for consumption resulting in the demand for high-quality and safe food has continued to increase. The so-called food safety means that the food that people eat under certain conditions will not harm human health. Frequent food safety incidents have highlighted the seriousness of my country's food safety problems and exposed loopholes in my country's food safety supervision. This article aims to study the construction of the Internet of Things technology in the food industry chain safety information traceability system, research on the RFID technology, GPS technology, and sensor technology in the Internet of things technology, and also conduct some research on the modules of the food industry chain safety information traceability system. This paper proposes to integrate the Internet of Things technology into the construction of the food industry chain safety information traceability system. First, a detailed analysis of some of the technologies that may be used is carried out, and then through the investigation of people on food safety and other aspects, and the food traceability system satisfaction survey. The experimental results in this article show that 40% of women pay more attention to food safety. Of course, in the satisfaction survey of the food safety traceability system based on the Internet of Things technology, it has been recognized by more than 20% of the people.