AUTHOR=Gastaldon Simone , Bonfiglio Noemi , Vespignani Francesco , Peressotti Francesca TITLE=Predictive language processing: integrating comprehension and production, and what atypical populations can tell us JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=15 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1369177 ISSN=1664-1078 ABSTRACT=

Predictive processing, a crucial aspect of human cognition, is also relevant for language comprehension. In everyday situations, we exploit various sources of information to anticipate and therefore facilitate processing of upcoming linguistic input. In the literature, there are a variety of models that aim at accounting for such ability. One group of models propose a strict relationship between prediction and language production mechanisms. In this review, we first introduce very briefly the concept of predictive processing during language comprehension. Secondly, we focus on models that attribute a prominent role to language production and sensorimotor processing in language prediction (“prediction-by-production” models). Contextually, we provide a summary of studies that investigated the role of speech production and auditory perception on language comprehension/prediction tasks in healthy, typical participants. Then, we provide an overview of the limited existing literature on specific atypical/clinical populations that may represent suitable testing ground for such models–i.e., populations with impaired speech production and auditory perception mechanisms. Ultimately, we suggest a more widely and in-depth testing of prediction-by-production accounts, and the involvement of atypical populations both for model testing and as targets for possible novel speech/language treatment approaches.