The therapeutic alliance (TA) is a robust and pantheoretical predictor of treatment outcome in Face-to-Face- (F2F-) and Online-psychotherapy (Online-PT). Many authors have proposed several conceptualizations of TA, which are oftentimes operationalized. The resulting diversity of conceptualizations and measures is presented in this review.
We performed a three-parted literature search for self-report-instruments of TA in individual, voluntary F2F-PT with adults (1. utilization of past reviews, 2. systematic literature search yielding 5,205 articles, 3. reference lists). Analogously, we conducted a systematic literature search for instruments of TA in the Online-setting (yielding 200 articles). Additionally, we analyzed the content of the instruments qualitatively.
A current overview of 48 instruments for measuring TA (46 for F2F-PT, 2 for Online-PT) including their conceptual backgrounds, characteristics and main content aspects is presented. Most instruments (
The broad variety of conceptualizations and measures of TA makes coherent research on TA difficult. There are conceptual challenges such as the role of attachment style in TA that remain to be clarified. The current conceptualizations and measures do not incorporate the practical experience and expertise of psychotherapists and patients sufficiently. A metatheoretical conceptualization and measure of TA based on an empirical survey of psychotherapists and patients could address these issues.