Several large-scale studies and reviews have reported both negative and positive associations of social media use with well-being, suggesting that the findings are more complex and need more nuanced study. Moreover, there is little or no exploration of how social media use in adolescence influences
The study is drawn on cross-sectional data collected from 1,429 Swiss adolescents (58.8% females, Mage = 15.84, SDage = 0.83) as part of the HappyB project in Spring 2022. Self-reported measures included the Harvard Adolescent Flourishing scale, positive and negative online social experiences, self-disclosure on social media, and social media inspiration. Control variables included, among others, self-esteem, ill-being, and personality.
After applying Bonferroni’s correction, results of the hierarchical regression analyses showed that positive social media experiences (β = 0.112,
Using a well-being framework to investigate social media use in adolescents is needed to go beyond the ill-being perspective. Our results align with the needs pointed out by the Self-Determination Theory. Carrying out social media activities in a way that promotes—rather than diminishes—flourishing should be included as an additional good habit influencing adolescents’ development. We suggest that interventions aiming to foster adolescents’ flourishing should include curricula aiming to promote a good use of social media through positive online social relationships and inspirational contents.