Cognitive deficits are one of the important clinical features of patients with brain tumours, which can affect up to 30–90% of patients before treatment. The consequence is a significant and rapid degradation of the patient’s intellectual functioning, seizures, paralysis and other symptoms that prevent independent functioning. This results in a reduced quality of life and a psychological crisis not only for the patient but also for their relatives. Maintaining the patient’s function at the highest level for as long as possible is particularly important, given that long-term remission or a cure is unlikely or accompanied by significant disability.
This paper aims to provide a narrative review to the neuropsychological procedure for monitoring cognitive function in patients with brain tumours, which may be helpful in developing adequate clinical practice and appropriate management procedures.
A narrative review was applied to search broadly across disciplines, retrieving literature from several databases (PubMed, Web of Science, and EBSCOhost).
(1) discussing the methodological aspects of neuropsychological tools for monitoring cognitive function in brain tumour patients, (2) identifying the most commonly used tools and (3) their practical applicability according to the cognitive function components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
This article points to the need to systematise research tools or develop new ones, adapted to diagnostic needs with high psychometric characteristics, with particular attention to memory processes and learning effect. Rehabilitation of patients is also an important issue, which requires the use of adequate tools to assess functional disability. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) seems to be useful in this respect. The ICF has the advantage of targeting actions to improve the condition of the individual and to keep them as long as possible in a state of well-being that allows them to function effectively in society or to return to work. This is particularly important in view of the ageing population and the increasing number of diagnoses related to brain tumours.