AUTHOR=Ben-Sasson Ayelet , Podoly Tamar Yonit , Lebowitz Eli TITLE=Family Accommodation Scale for Sensory Over-Responsivity: A Measure Development Study JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2022.867508 ISSN=1664-1078 ABSTRACT=
Family accommodation refers to the attempt of family members (most often parents) to prevent their child’s distress related to psychopathology. Family accommodation can limit meaningful participation in personal and social routines and activities. Accommodation has been studied extensively in the context of childhood anxiety and has been linked to greater impairment, and poor intervention outcomes. Like anxiety, sensory over-responsivity (SOR) symptoms are associated with heightened distress and thus, may also be accommodated by family members. The current study describes the validation of a new pediatric family accommodation scale for SOR. Parents of 301 children ages 3–13 years completed an online survey, of which 48 had medical or developmental conditions. The survey included the Child Sensory Profile 2 and the newly developed family accommodation scale for sensory over-responsivity (FASENS). Three Sensory Profile 2 scores were analyzed: SOR, sensory under-responsivity and sensory seeking. The FASENS consists of 18 items; 12 describing the frequency of accommodation behaviors and 6 describing the impact of the accommodation on the wellbeing of the family and the child. Results indicated that the FASENS has high internal consistency (α = 0.94) as well as a significant 3-factor confirmatory model fit: (1) accommodations (i.e., avoidance and changes), (2) family impact, and (3) child impact. FASENS scores significantly correlated with SOR symptoms (