AUTHOR=Petryński Wacław , Staszkiewicz Robert , Szyndera Mirosław TITLE=Internal Mechanisms of Human Motor Behaviour: A System-Theoretical Perspective JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2022.841343 ISSN=1664-1078 ABSTRACT=
The authors present the conceptual and system-theoretical model of human motor behaviour. The main assumption is that movement is the only observable manifestation of all psychical processes, thus, it is the only phenomenon enabling the creation of hypotheses concerning the psychological conditioning of human behaviour. They pointed to the fact that in the field of biology, and all the more, in psychology, mathematical descriptions are hardly eligible. In this respect, a system-theoretical approach seems to be appropriate. The authors present two systems: information processing modalities in the human mind, based on Nikolai Bernstein’s theory, and the series of processes from stimuli reception to motor response execution. Both these sub-systems make up a super-system. Its simplified graphical representation may be termed “Column Diagram.” The authors analyse the functioning of this super-system in various intellectual-motor purposeful operations. The system-theoretical perspective enables clear categorisation of various human motor operations, their “driving” mechanisms, internal patterns, and their superficial physical and/or mathematical “appearance.” The stream of consciousness in a human motor operation joins the various psychological constructs, which are reception, perception, attention, motivation, intellect, memory, etc., into one coherent, inseparable system.