AUTHOR=Li Zhenfang , Yuan Jia , Du Bisheng , Hu Junhao , Yuan Wenwen , Palladini Lorenzo , Yu Bing , Zhou Yan TITLE=Customer Behavior on Purchasing Channels of Sustainable Customized Garment With Perceived Value and Product Involvement JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=Volume 11 - 2020 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2020.588512 ISSN=1664-1078 ABSTRACT=

Online shopping for customized garments has become the fastest-growing field of the Chinese eBusiness market. Most consumers not only limit themselves to buying standardized garments but also want to buy garments customized to their preferences. This phenomenon has pushed the fashion textile and apparel industry to change its supply chain operations to meet the customization demand. Besides, the fashion textile and apparel industry also want to study how different channel factors will affect consumers' perceived value and further influence consumers' purchasing decisions. We initiated this study and empirically tested more than 200 experienced consumers. This study collaborated with a fashion textile and apparel company that aims to implement customized product lines soon. Based on the perceived value theory and risk management theory, we investigated whether product involvement and channel identification on supply chain design will affects potential customized product consumers' purchasing decisions. The findings reveal that channel recognition affects consumer decisions by having a positive impact on their perceived value. The perceived risk and shopping channel involvement of consumers have a negative impact on their perceived values and channel selections. In addition, product involvement has a moderating effect on the relationship between channel's perceived risk, perceived values, and channel selections as well.