AUTHOR=Bowie Aleah , Krupenye Christopher , Mbonzo Pierrot , Minesi Fanny , Hare Brian TITLE=Implicit Measures Help Demonstrate the Value of Conservation Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=11 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00386 ISSN=1664-1078 ABSTRACT=
Biodiversity is being lost at unprecedented rates. Limited conservation resources must be prioritized strategically to maximize impact. Here we introduce novel methods to assess a small-scale conservation education program in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lola ya Bonobo is the world’s only sanctuary for one of humans’ two closest living relatives, bonobos, orphaned by the illegal trade in bushmeat and exotic pets. The sanctuary is situated on the edge of the country’s capital, Kinshasa, its most densely populated region and a hub for the illegal wildlife trade that is imperiling bonobos and other endangered species. Lola ya Bonobo implements an education program specifically designed to combat this trade. Previous evaluation demonstrated the program’s efficacy in transmitting conservation knowledge to children. In Study 1, we use novel implicit tests to measure conservation