AUTHOR=Savander Enikö É. , Voutilainen Liisa , Hintikka Jukka , Peräkylä Anssi TITLE=What to take up from the patient’s talk? The clinician’s responses to the patient’s self-disclosure of their subjective experience in the psychiatric intake interview JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychiatry VOLUME=15 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1352601 ISSN=1664-0640 ABSTRACT=
During psychiatric diagnostic interviews, the clinician’s question usually targets specific symptom descriptions based on diagnostic categories for ICD-10/DSM-5 (2, 3). While some patients merely answer questions, others go beyond to describe their subjective experiences in a manner that highlights the intensity and urgency of those experiences. By adopting conversation analysis as a method, this study examines diagnostic interviews conducted in an outpatient clinic in South Finland and identifies sequences that divulge patients’ subjective experiences. From 10 audio-recorded diagnostic interviews, 40 segments were selected where patients replied to medically or factually oriented questions with their self-disclosures. The research focus was on the clinicians’ responses to these disclosures. We present five sequential trajectories that the clinicians offered third-position utterances in response to their patients’ self-disclosure of subjective experiences. These trajectories include the following: 1) the clinician transfers the topic to a new