AUTHOR=van Rooij Daan , Zhang-James Yanli , Buitelaar Jan , Faraone Stephen V. , Reif Andreas , Grimm Oliver TITLE=Structural brain morphometry as classifier and predictor of ADHD and reward-related comorbidities JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychiatry VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyt.2022.869627 ISSN=1664-0640 ABSTRACT=

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, and around two-thirds of affected children report persisting problems in adulthood. This negative trajectory is associated with high comorbidity with disorders like obesity, depression, or substance use disorder (SUD). Decreases in cortical volume and thickness have also been reported in depression, SUD, and obesity, but it is unclear whether structural brain alterations represent unique disorder-specific profiles. A transdiagnostic exploration of ADHD and typical comorbid disorders could help to understand whether specific morphometric brain changes are due to ADHD or, alternatively, to the comorbid disorders. In the current study, we studied the brain morphometry of 136 subjects with ADHD with and without comorbid depression, SUD, and obesity to test whether there are unique or common brain alterations. We employed a machine-learning-algorithm trained to classify subjects with ADHD in the large ENIGMA-ADHD dataset and used it to predict the diagnostic status of subjects with ADHD and/or comorbidities. The parcellation analysis demonstrated decreased cortical thickness in medial prefrontal areas that was associated with presence of any comorbidity. However, these results did not survive correction for multiple comparisons. Similarly, the machine learning analysis indicated that the predictive algorithm grouped most of our ADHD participants as belonging to the ADHD-group, but no systematic differences between comorbidity status came up. In sum, neither a classical comparison of segmented structural brain metrics nor an ML model based on the ADHD ENIGMA data differentiate between ADHD with and without comorbidities. As the ML model is based in part on adolescent brains, this might indicate that comorbid disorders and their brain changes are not captured by the ML model because it represents a different developmental brain trajectory.