AUTHOR=Sehatpour Pejman , Avissar Michael , Kantrowitz Joshua T. , Corcoran Cheryl M. , De Baun Heloise M. , Patel Gaurav H. , Girgis Ragy R. , Brucato Gary , Lopez-Calderon Javier , Silipo Gail , Dias Elisa , Martinez Antigona , Javitt Daniel C. TITLE=Deficits in Pre-attentive Processing of Spatial Location and Negative Symptoms in Subjects at Clinical High Risk for Schizophrenia JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychiatry VOLUME=11 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyt.2020.629144 ISSN=1664-0640 ABSTRACT=
Deficits in mismatch negativity (MMN) generation are among the best-established biomarkers for cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia and predict conversion to schizophrenia (Sz) among individuals at symptomatic clinical high risk (CHR). Impairments in MMN index dysfunction at both subcortical and cortical components of the early auditory system. To date, the large majority of studies have been conducted using deviants that differ from preceding standards in either tonal frequency (pitch) or duration. By contrast, MMN to sound location deviation has been studied to only a limited degree in Sz and has not previously been examined in CHR populations. Here, we evaluated location MMN across Sz and CHR using an optimized, multi-deviant pattern that included a location-deviant, as defined using interaural time delay (ITD) stimuli along with pitch, duration, frequency modulation (FM) and intensity deviants in a sample of 42 Sz, 33 CHR and 28 healthy control (HC) subjects. In addition, we obtained resting state functional connectivity (rsfMRI) on CHR subjects. Sz showed impaired MMN performance across all deviant types, along with strong correlation between MMN deficits and impaired neurocognitive function. In this sample of largely non-converting CHR subjects, no deficits were observed in either pitch or duration MMN. By contrast, CHR subjects showed significant impairments in location MMN generation particularly over right hemisphere and significant correlation between impaired location MMN and negative symptoms including deterioration of role function. In addition, significant correlations were observed between location MMN and rsfMRI involving brainstem circuits. In general, location detection using ITD stimuli depends upon precise processing within midbrain regions and provides a rapid and robust reorientation of attention. Present findings reinforce the utility of MMN as a pre-attentive index of auditory cognitive dysfunction in Sz and suggest that location MMN may index brain circuits distinct from those indexed by other deviant types.