AUTHOR=Buizza Chiara , Candini Valentina , Ferrari Clarissa , Ghilardi Alberto , Saviotti Francesco Maria , Turrina Cesare , Nobili Gianluigi , Sabaudo Margherita , de Girolamo Giovanni TITLE=The Long-Term Effectiveness of Psychoeducation for Bipolar Disorders in Mental Health Services. A 4-Year Follow-Up Study JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychiatry VOLUME=10 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00873 ISSN=1664-0640 ABSTRACT=

Aims: The aims of the present study were to assess: the effectiveness of psychoeducation in mental health service (MHSs) in terms of time to first hospitalization during 4-year follow-up; the number and the days of hospitalizations, and the number of people hospitalized at 4-year follow-up; and variables associated with better outcome in BD patients.

Methods: This is a controlled study involving an experimental group (N = 57) and a control group (N = 52). The treatment phase consists of 21 weeks, in which all participants received TAU, while the experimental group received additional psychoeducation.

Results: The survival analysis showed significant differences in terms of time to first hospitalization of up to 4-year follow-up: the patients in the psychoeducation group showed a longer time free from hospitalizations than the control group. Concerning the predictors of time to first hospitalization, the only factor that showed a trend to statistical significance was psychoeducation.

Conclusions: This is one of few studies assessing the long-term effectiveness of psychoeducation in a naturalistic setting. The data confirm that psychoeducation can impact illness course, in terms of longer time free from hospitalizations.

Trial registration: ISRCTN17827459