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Front. Plant Sci.
Sec. Functional and Applied Plant Genomics
Volume 15 - 2024 | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1462981

A Comprehensive Multivariate Approach for GxE Interaction Analysis in Early Maturing Rice Varieties

Provisionally accepted
Muhammad Fuad Anshori Muhammad Fuad Anshori 1*Yunus Musa Yunus Musa 1Muh Farid Muh Farid 1Muh Jayadi Muh Jayadi 1Rusnadi Padjung Rusnadi Padjung 1Kaimuddin Kaimuddin Kaimuddin Kaimuddin 1Yi C. Huang Yi C. Huang 2Madonna Casimero Madonna Casimero 3Iris Bogayong Iris Bogayong 3Willy B. Suwarno Willy B. Suwarno 4Hasil Sembiring Hasil Sembiring 5Bambang Sapta Purwoko Bambang Sapta Purwoko 4Amin Nur Amin Nur 6Wahyuni Wahyuni Wahyuni Wahyuni 7Daniel O. Wasonga Daniel O. Wasonga 8Dr. Mahmoud F. Seleiman Dr. Mahmoud F. Seleiman 9
  • 1 Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • 2 Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), Taipei, 111047, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 3 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Philippines
  • 4 IPB University, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
  • 5 National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 6 Indonesian Cereal Testing Instrument Standard Institute, Maros 90514, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia
  • 7 8Food Crops, Horticulture, Plantation and Food Security Office of Soppeng, 90862, Soppeng, Indonesia, Soppeng, Indonesia
  • 8 Illinois Rocstar, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, United States
  • 9 King Saud University, Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon.

    The genotype evaluation process requires analysis of GxE interactions to ascertain the responsiveness of a genotype to various environments, including the development of early maturing rice. However, the concept of interaction is relatively specific to grain yieldproductivity. In contrast, grain yieldproductivity is highly polygenic, so assessment must should be done carried out with multivariate traitsapproaches. Therefore, multivariate assessment in evaluating GxE interactions should be developed, especially for early maturing rice genotypes. The study aims aimed to develop createdevelop a comprehensive multivariate approach to improve the comprehensiveness and responsiveness of GxE interaction analysis. The study was conducted in Bone and Soppeng districts, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, with in two seasons. The study used a randomized complete block design, where replications were nested across two seasons and locations. Two check varieties and five early maturing varieties were replicated three times in each environment. Based on this study, a new approach to GxE interaction analysis based on multiple regression index analysis, BLUP analysis, factor analysis, and path analysis was considered adequate, especially for evaluating early maturing rice. This approach combined days to harvest, biological yield, and productivity grain yield in multiple linear regression with weighting based on the combination of all analysesBLUP heritability, eigenvalues in factor analysis, and direct effects. The effectiveness of the GxE interaction assessment was reflected by high coefficient of determination (R 2 ) and gradient (b) values above 0.8 with gradients aboveand 0.9, respectively. in the GxE interaction assessment, especially in Inpari 13 (determination R 2 =0.9; gradient b=1.05 0.9;1.05), Cakrabuana (R 2 =0.98; b=0.99), and Padjajaran (R 2 =0.95; b=1.07) also have good grain yield with days to harvesting consideration, namely 7.83 ton ha -1 , 98.12 days; 7.37 ton ha -1 , 95.52 days; and 7.29 ton ha -1 , 97.23 days, respectively.. Therefore, this index approach can be recommended in GxE interaction analysis to evaluate early maturing rice genotypes. Furthermore, Inpari 13, Cakrabuana, and Padjajaran are recommended as adaptive early maturing varieties.

    Keywords: BLUP, early-maturity rice, GxE analysis, Index regression, Oryza sativa

    Received: 11 Jul 2024; Accepted: 13 Sep 2024.

    Copyright: © 2024 Anshori, Musa, Farid, Jayadi, Padjung, Kaimuddin, Huang, Casimero, Bogayong, Suwarno, Sembiring, Purwoko, Nur, Wahyuni, Wasonga and Seleiman. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

    * Correspondence: Muhammad Fuad Anshori, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

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