Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with visible and multispectral cameras provide reliable and efficient methods for remote crop monitoring and above-ground biomass (AGB) estimation in rice fields. However, existing research predominantly focuses on AGB estimation based on canopy spectral features or by incorporating plant height (PH) as a parameter. Insufficient consideration has been given to the spatial structure and the phenological stages of rice in these studies. In this study, a novel method was introduced by fully considering the three-dimensional growth dynamics of rice, integrating both horizontal (canopy cover, CC) and vertical (PH) aspects of canopy development, and accounting for the growing days of rice.
To investigate the synergistic effects of combining spectral, spatial and temporal parameters, both small-scale plot experiments and large-scale field testing were conducted in Jiangsu Province, China from 2021 to 2022. Twenty vegetation indices (VIs) were used as spectral features, PH and CC as spatial parameters, and days after transplanting (DAT) as a temporal parameter. AGB estimation models were built with five regression methods (MSR, ENet, PLSR, RF and SVR), using the derived data from six feature combinations (VIs, PH+CC, PH+CC+DAT, VIs+PH +CC, VIs+DAT, VIs+PH+CC+DAT).
The results showed a strong correlation between extracted and ground-measured PH (R2 = 0.89, RMSE=5.08 cm). Furthermore, VIs, PH and CC exhibit strong correlations with AGB during the mid-tillering to flowering stages. The optimal AGB estimation results during the mid-tillering to flowering stages on plot data were from the PLSR model with VIs and DAT as inputs (
Model evaluation and feature importance ranking demonstrated that augmenting VIs with temporal and spatial parameters significantly enhanced the AGB estimation accuracy. In summary, the fusion of spectral and spatio-temporal features enhanced the actual physical significance of the AGB estimation models and showed great potential for accurate rice AGB estimation during the main phenological stages.