Chilling injury is one of the most common meteorological disasters affecting cucumber production. For implementing remedial measures as soon as possible to minimize production loss, a timely and precise assessment of chilling injury is crucial.
To evaluate the possibility of detecting cucumber chilling injury using chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) technology, we investigated the continuous changes in ChlF parameters under various low-temperature conditions and created the criteria for evaluating chilling injury. The ChlF induction curves were first collected before low-temperature as unstressed samples and daily 1 to 5 days after low-temperature as chilling injury samples. Principal component analysis was employed to investigate the public information on ChlF parameters and evaluate the differences between samples with different degrees of chilling injury. The parameters (
The results demonstrated that the variations in these indicators among the different chilling injury classes supported the validity of the classification model. Our findings provide a better understanding of the relationship between ChlF parameters and the impact of low-temperature treatment on cucumber seedlings. This finding offers an additional perspective that can be used to evaluate the responses and damage that plants experience under stress.