AUTHOR=Khodaeiaminjan Mortaza , Knoch Dominic , Ndella Thiaw Marie Rose , Marchetti Cintia F. , Kořínková Nikola , Techer Alexie , Nguyen Thu D. , Chu Jianting , Bertholomey Valentin , Doridant Ingrid , Gantet Pascal , Graner Andreas , Neumann Kerstin , Bergougnoux Véronique TITLE=Genome-wide association study in two-row spring barley landraces identifies QTL associated with plantlets root system architecture traits in well-watered and osmotic stress conditions JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=14 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2023.1125672 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=

Water availability is undoubtedly one of the most important environmental factors affecting crop production. Drought causes a gradual deprivation of water in the soil from top to deep layers and can occur at diverse stages of plant development. Roots are the first organs that perceive water deficit in soil and their adaptive development contributes to drought adaptation. Domestication has contributed to a bottleneck in genetic diversity. Wild species or landraces represent a pool of genetic diversity that has not been exploited yet in breeding program. In this study, we used a collection of 230 two-row spring barley landraces to detect phenotypic variation in root system plasticity in response to drought and to identify new quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in root system architecture under diverse growth conditions. For this purpose, young seedlings grown for 21 days in pouches under control and osmotic-stress conditions were phenotyped and genotyped using the barley 50k iSelect SNP array, and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were conducted using three different GWAS methods (MLM GAPIT, FarmCPU, and BLINK) to detect genotype/phenotype associations. In total, 276 significant marker-trait associations (MTAs; p-value (FDR)< 0.05) were identified for root (14 and 12 traits under osmotic-stress and control conditions, respectively) and for three shoot traits under both conditions. In total, 52 QTL (multi-trait or identified by at least two different GWAS approaches) were investigated to identify genes representing promising candidates with a role in root development and adaptation to drought stress.