ResultsAs vps45 knockout mutation is lethal in Arabidopsis, we identified a mutant, vps45-3, with a point mutation in the VPS45 gene causing a serine 284-to-phenylalanine substitution. The VPS45-3 protein is stable and maintains interaction with SYP61 and SYP41. However, vps45-3 plants display severe growth defects with significantly reduced organ and cell size, similar to vps45 RNAi transgenic lines that have reduced VPS45 protein levels. Root hair and pollen tube elongation, both processes of tip growth, are highly compromised in vps45-3. Mutant root hairs are shorter and thicker than those of wild-type plants, and are wavy. These root hairs have vacuolar defects, containing many small vacuoles, compared with WT root hairs with a single large vacuole occupying much of the cell volume. Pollen tubes were also significantly shorter in vps45-3 compared to WT.