AUTHOR=Sepp Siim-Kaarel , Vasar Martti , Davison John , Oja Jane , Anslan Sten , Al-Quraishy Saleh , Bahram Mohammad , Bueno C. Guillermo , Cantero Juan José , Fabiano Ezequiel Chimbioputo , Decocq Guillaume , Drenkhan Rein , Fraser Lauchlan , Garibay Oriel Roberto , Hiiesalu Inga , Koorem Kadri , Kõljalg Urmas , Moora Mari , Mucina Ladislav , Öpik Maarja , Põlme Sergei , Pärtel Meelis , Phosri Cherdchai , Semchenko Marina , Vahter Tanel , Vasco Palacios Aida M. , Tedersoo Leho , Zobel Martin TITLE=Global diversity and distribution of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=14 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2023.1100235 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
Our knowledge of microbial biogeography has advanced in recent years, yet we lack knowledge of the global diversity of some important functional groups. Here, we used environmental DNA from 327 globally collected soil samples to investigate the biodiversity patterns of nitrogen-fixing bacteria by focusing on the