AUTHOR=Devate Narayana Bhat , Krishna Hari , Parmeshwarappa Sunil Kumar V. , Manjunath Karthik Kumar , Chauhan Divya , Singh Shweta , Singh Jang Bahadur , Kumar Monu , Patil Ravindra , Khan Hanif , Jain Neelu , Singh Gyanendra Pratap , Singh Pradeep Kumar TITLE=Genome-wide association mapping for component traits of drought and heat tolerance in wheat JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2022.943033 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=

Identification of marker trait association is a prerequisite for marker-assisted breeding. To find markers linked with traits under heat and drought stress in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS). GWAS mapping panel used in this study consists of advanced breeding lines from the IARI stress breeding programme produced by pairwise and complex crosses. Phenotyping was done at multi locations namely New Delhi, Karnal, Indore, Jharkhand and Pune with augmented-RCBD design under different moisture and heat stress regimes, namely timely sown irrigated (IR), timely sown restricted irrigated (RI) and late sown (LS) conditions. Yield and its component traits, viz., Days to Heading (DH), Days to Maturity (DM), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Chlorophyll Content (SPAD), Canopy temperature (CT), Plant Height (PH), Thousand grain weight (TGW), Grain weight per spike (GWPS), Plot Yield (PLTY) and Biomass (BMS) were phenotyped. Analysis of variance and descriptive statistics revealed significant differences among the studied traits. Genotyping was done using the 35k SNP Wheat Breeder's Genotyping Array. Population structure and diversity analysis using filtered 10,546 markers revealed two subpopulations with sufficient diversity. A large whole genome LD block size of 7.15 MB was obtained at half LD decay value. Genome-wide association search identified 57 unique markers associated with various traits across the locations. Twenty-three markers were identified to be stable, among them nine pleiotropic markers were also identified. In silico search of the identified markers against the IWGSC ref genome revealed the presence of a majority of the SNPs at or near the gene coding region. These SNPs can be used for marker-assisted transfer of genes/QTLs after validation to develop climate-resilient cultivars.