AUTHOR=Huang Tao , He Wei-Jie , Li Cheng , Zhang Jing-Bo , Liao Yu-Cai , Song Bo , Yang Peng TITLE=Transcriptome-wide analyses of RNA m6A methylation in hexaploid wheat reveal its roles in mRNA translation regulation JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2022.917335 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant RNA modification in eukaryotic messenger RNAs. m6A was discovered in wheat about 40 years ago; however, its potential roles in wheat remain unknown. In this study, we profiled m6As in spikelets transcriptome at the flowering stage of hexaploid wheat and found that m6As are evenly distributed across the A, B, and D subgenomes but their extents and locations vary across homeologous genes. m6As are enriched in homeologous genes with close expression levels and the m6A methylated genes are more conserved. The extent of m6A methylation is negatively correlated with mRNA expression levels and its presence on mRNAs has profound impacts on mRNA translation in a location-dependent manner. Specifically, m6As within coding sequences and 3′UTRs repress the translation of mRNAs while the m6As within 5′UTRs and start codons could promote it. The m6A-containing mRNAs are significantly enriched in processes and pathways of “translation” and “RNA transport,” suggesting the potential role of m6As in regulating the translation of genes involved in translation regulation. Our data also show a stronger translation inhibition by small RNAs (miRNA and phasiRNA) than by m6A methylation, and no synergistical effect between the two was observed. We propose a secondary amplification machinery of translation regulation triggered by the changes in m6A methylation status. Taken together, our results suggest translation regulation as a key role played by m6As in hexaploid wheat.